Excessive salt in a diet is well recognized as a contributor to heart issues and disease. It is not the salt itself, but the sodium in it that is the problem.
There have been calls for there to be a maximum allowable level of sodium in foods. The Heart Foundation is one of the groups making this call. It is worth noting that for a food to receive and keep the Heart Foundation Tick, a maximum sodium level must be maintained.
Over the last 12 months, many food manufacturers have reworked their formulations to reduce the salt level in their foods. However, a recent examination of 28 000 products by the George Institute for Global Health has found that there has been an increase of about nine percent in salt levels.
Manufacturers, retailers and the Federal Government have just agreed to a reduction of salt levels to a set target in savoury crackers. This move has been supported by the Australian Food and Grocery Council, amongst others, as an example of how everyone working together can make significant change and improvements.
Reducing salt in crackers and other foods will reduce sodium content in diets and hopefully reduce coronary heart disease and other heart issues. However, as a salty flavor is still needed in these products, the question is how are the manufacturers achieving the required flavor to maintain sales whilst still reducing the salt level?
Also how do we maintain the same shelf life without having the same salt level serving as a preservative?
The answer is product development by Food Technologists. Many people do not realise what a big impact this profession as on their daily lives.