Recently a friend came around and she she brought a packet of waffles with her for us to share. We were both  disgusted to see that each waffle was individually wrapped and then the four of them were placed into a plastic tray and then the filled tray was then placed in a plastic bag.

Do you use a food thermometer?

The following is the Christmas media release from the Food Safety Information Council Ltd and is included here with permission. The Food Safety Information Council, and Tonic Health Media, today launched their Christmas entertaining advice to urge consumers to buy a meat thermometer so they can avoid a bout of food poisoning this summer. Council

Around the world each year some 1.6 gigatonnes of food is wasted. This occurs from the farm to the fridge and 1.3 gigatonnes is still suitable for eating when it is dumped.This is one third of all the food produced. If you work out how much this costs in terms of money, water, work and

Seafood and Christmas

With seafood being such a key part of an Australia Christmas, it is a good time to think about seafood and food illness – particularly from toxins. The following is a fact sheet from and is included here with permission. Toxins in seafood What toxins can be associated with seafood? Amnesic shellfish toxin Diarrhoetic