The following is the latest media release from the Food Safety Information Council Ltd and is include here with permission. As the academic year begins, the Food Safety Information Council, together with their member Cater Care, have launched a food safety tips poster for young people leaving home to start university and college. Council Chair,

There has long been an issue about what is a free range egg. Consumers have been confused, as has the egg industry. Well, hopefully that is one issue which has been addressed, with the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission’s (ACCC)  National Information Standard on Free Range Eggs becoming operational on 26 April 2018. The Standard

Food safety is a legal requirement for food businesses but there is more to food safety that just what business do. There are four  contributors to food safety; International law and science Government Business Consumers No country operates alone and in food safety, this is even more important. There are scientists, Microbiologists and Technologists around

I was shopping this week and it was nearing dinner time (I should have remembered my Nan’s advice “ never go shopping when you are hungry”) so picked up something from the freezer to take home to heat up for dinner. It was  a potato product with four pieces in the packet. Whe I opened