The following is from the Food Recall pages on the Food Standards Australia New Zealand website and gives an excellent summary of Recalls and who does what when one happens. Why do we collect food recall data? FSANZ has collected data on Australian food recalls since 1990, including the causes of all recalls and their

According to recent research conducted by Woolworths the following are some interesting food related Easter facts; Nearly half of us Aussies had chocolate for breakfast on Easter Sunday 13.8 million Hot Cross buns were purchased from Woolworths in the week before Easter, and many of those were eaten before the long weekend 80 percent of

Easter and Listeria

The following is the latest media release from the Food Safety Information Council Ltd and is included here with permission. Easter entertaining – your friends and family could be at risk of Listeria As Easter is a perfect time to entertain, the Food Safety Information Council is warning about the risk of food poisoning from

New Recall

The following is a media release from the New South Wales Food Authority and is included here with permission. The NSW Food Authority advises: Washed Rind Pty Ltd has recalled a variety of cheeses made in France from IGA and Supa IGA in NSW, independent retailers in QLD and ACT, Foodworks and independent retailers in