The Microbiological Criteria Compendium has been reviewed by Food Standards Australia new Zealand and the new version is now available on the FSANZ website. The Compendium contains a lot of information that assists food businesses and testing laboratories in ensuring that foods and the processes involved in making them meet internationally recognised food safety and

Like with all businesses, there are good aged care centres and there are poor aged care centres I have the experience of working for and also utilising the services of an aged care centre, and it gives me a different perspective to most. I am very fortunate in that I do work with an excellent

A food product recall is something that no food manufacturer goes into lightly as there is a significant cost and potentially loss of market involved. Recalls are only enacted when there is a food safety hazard involved and once that is made public, there is always a loss of confidence in the product and, in

Farmers need our help

With the Listeria outbreak earlier this year and now the whole problem of tampered strawberries, on top of a drought affecting much of the country, Australian farmers and their respective industries are suffering badly. Being a farmer isn’t just a job , it is who they are. Most were raised on that farm and have