Two current recalls

The  following recall notices are included here with permission from Food Standards Australia New Zealand and the NSW Food Authority. The first is yet another Listeria recall but only impacts on South Australia. Meals on Wheels SA Frozen Meals   Meals on Wheels SA is conducting a recall of all frozen meal products. The products have

Counterfeiting of money and legal documents has been going on for as long as we have had them. Claiming that food is something when it actually isn’t has been as well. Is the Barramundi you might be having for lunch actually Queensland Barramundi or has it come from somewhere else? Is the honey you have

All packaged food must include an allergen statement if that food contains any of the food allergens recognised in the Food Standards Code as either an ingredient or as what is called a processing aid. For all non-packaged food, there must be allergen information available for the purchaser. The essential requirement whether the food is

Food Standards Australia New Zealand has just released the statistics for the Recalls for 2018. There were 100 recalls for that year, the average of the ten years including 2018 was 67, so there was a significant increase. Of those 46 were from undeclared allergens, 20 from microbial contamination, 15 from foreign matter and 6