The following are two reviews currently under way at Food Standards Australia new Zealand. This information is included with permission. Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) today released an information paper on its proposed approach to a review of food safety standards in the Food Standards Code. FSANZ CEO Mark Booth said FSANZ is reviewing

So we have all heard that the word “Champagne” can only be used on sparkling wine which has been produced in the Champagne region in France,  and that means that all other bubbly wine is called sparkling wine. This is the classic example of what is called a Geographical Indication (GI). It means that a

The United Nations Food and Agricultural Organisation recently released the 2018 State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World Report. This report is intended to show the state of malnutrition and malnourishment around the world and it’s possible causes. The aim is to end hunger and malnourishment across the world. This year’s report recognises

With much handshaking and baby kissing happening over the next few weeks, the Food Safety Information Council today released its hand hygiene advice to those on the election trail. Council spokesperson, Lydia Buchtmann, said that the election period has coincided with cooler weather in the southern parts of Australia when viral infections such as norovirus