The source of many food poisoning outbreaks may never be found, regardless of the work done by authorities. In 2016 there was a Listeria outbreak in Denmark that could not be tracked to a specific source. Although the actual source could not be confirmed, it was suspected after the investigation that it was  only in

The House of Representatives Standing Committee on Health, Aged Care and Sport of the Australian Government has determined that there was to be an Inquiry into allergies and anaphylaxis. The following are the Terms of Reference The potential and known causes, prevalence, impacts and costs of anaphylaxis in Australia; The adequacy of food and drug

What is World Food Day?

In 1905, at a conference in Rome the International Institute of Agriculture was created. In 1945, this was replaced by the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO). The FAO is a part of the United Nations and is dedicated to overseeing food andf agriculture across the  world. One of it’s key focuses is on reducing world

The following is a media release from Food Standards Australia New Zealand and is included here with permission. Second call for comment – Plain English Allergen Labelling Date: 29/11/2019 Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) today released a second call for comment on a proposal to make allergen information clearer, more consistent and prominent on