So the health departments starts to receive notices of food poisonings and initiates an investigation to determine how many cases, what food, and what has happened to cause the outbreak. This has traditionally meant  inspectors visiting suspected premises and doing much testing and reviewing of processes to try an determine if all the cases are

A new version of CODEX HACCP is on it’s way and should be available by the end of 2020. The following are some of the changes expected;   1.    Chapter One – Good Hygiene Practices  Still includes all the supporting programs but no specific inclusion of Allergens as a food safety hazard. However a Draft

The International Commission on Microbiological Specifications for Foods (ICMSF) has recently confirmed that in it’s opinion COVID-19 cannot be considered as a food safety hazard. There is no evidence to this point that there is any link between eating or handling food and COVID-19 infections, so the ICMSF considers that this virus should not be

A confectionery company in Australia has just released an ad showing a female Orangutan having a wonderful time playing the drums in a forest. At first you find yourself wondering what is going on, then the voice over announces that this company is going 100 percent palm oil free. So what is palm oil, where