2011 Fine Food Awards

In late September, the 2011 Royal Melbourne Fine Food Awards were announced and cover nine food production categories; chocolate, branded beef, coffee, ice cream / gelato / sorbet, Delicatessen, Dairy / Sheep / Goat / Buffalo, olive oil/ olives, preserves / honey and packaging The entries for this year were up 25% from 201 and

Live export changes

All Australians would be at least aware of the recent controversy about exporting live cattle to Indonesia. After the television broadcast of very serious animal cruelty in some abattoirs in that country, there was a massive public outcry throughout Australia and the immediate banning of the trade by the Commonwealth Government. This quick decision has

Listeria processing aid application

Processing aids are materials that can be added to foods during manufacture to achieve specific targets. A great example is material added to wine to clarify it (remove cloudiness), it is then removed prior to the bottling step. Only processing aids that are approved for use by the Food Standards Code may be used. The

Current Australian Food Product Recalls

The following is the Food Standards Australia new Zealand latest recall notice and is included here with permission. Please find below information on recent Australian consumer level food recalls. This information is also available on our website at www.foodstandards.gov.au Date Notified To FSANZ: 16 September 2011 Food Type: Juice Product Name: Apple Time Apple Apple