Egg white has traditionally been one of the ingredients used to clarify, or clear, wine prior to final bottling. It has been thought for some time that the amount of this processing aid left in the wine after the clarification is so small that it is not a significant, or even minor, allergen issue. Now

New product recall – November 2011

The following Recall Notice is provided with permission from Food Standards Australia New Zealand and more information can be found at their website Date Notified To FSANZ: 11 October 2011 Food Type: Confectionery Product Name: Crazy Koala Macadamia Nuts Cairns (130g) Crazy Koala Macadamia Nuts Sydney (130g) Crazy Koala Macadamia Nuts Gold Coast (130g)

High fat diets can cause Type 2 diabetes

Eating a high fat diet has now been found by Australian scientists as being linked to the development of Type 2 diabetes. The research has been done at the Garven Institute in Sydney by Dr Laybutt and PhD scholar Mia Akerfeldt. They have found that a “master regulator” gene known as Id1 sets the path

Australian wins the World Sandwichship

Matt Wilkinson was recently named as the winner of the first World Sandwichship with his creative toasted ham sandwich and quesadilla wrap. The Championship was held as part of the Crave Sydney International Food Festival. Matt is from the Pope Joan café in Melbourne, and was up against sandwich creators from around the world. The