Food allergies up in Europe

Food safety can basically be separated into two areas that must be controlled; food poisoning and food allergens. According to Anaphylaxis Australia, around two percent of all Australian have a food allergy. In some of these people, the allergy can be so severe that it can cause anaphylaxis, which is a complete closing of the

Coconut oil – good or bad?

Alzheimers is a disease that is increasing in our society. It is a form of dementia and rips families apart as the sufferer slowly loses the ability to remember people, events and other parts of their lives, and eventually loses even basic abilities. It is incredibly sad and at this stage there is no cure.

Is it the food’s fault or ours?

We all have foods that are our little indulgence; a packet of chips, an occasional donut or even a hot dog every so often. Nutritionists are always telling us that we should have a balanced diet and that a little bit of everything is the way to go. The problem with our little indulgences is

National Container Deposit Scheme????

Drink bottles are thrown away across the country in their millions annually and one recognised way of reducing this massive waste is through a container deposit scheme, like the one that has been in South Australia for quite a few years. The basic idea is that a small deposit (like 10 cents) is included in