New Centre for Food Integrity

Australians are well recognised as being cynical when it comes to any type of claims on food or other items. We are a nation of people that generally need to have someone prove something or have someone we trust validate it, before we believe it. Well known sports stars are often in advertisements because it

Maximum Residue Limit review

The Maximum Residue Limits are the top level of specific chemicals permitted to be in certain types of foods. It is a requirement in Chapter One of the Food Standards Code. The following is information from of Food Standards Australia New Zealand and is included with permission. You can find this and other information through

Healthy Bones Week.

It is well known that we all need calcium in our diets to have good strong bones. However you also need Vitamin D and a well balanced diet, as well as regular exercise. Dairy Australia launched Healthy Bones Week in 1994 and the 2012 one was in late August This year the focus was on

So are oats really that good for you?

Even three years ago there was not as much food or advertising about oats and wholegrain as there is now. So is there anything to this whole thing about oats being good for you? Recent studies published in the journal, Molecular Nutrition and Food Research, from Germany have reinforced that oats have the ability to