Food Standards Australia new Zealand have just released the updated statistics for the 10 years from 2011 to 2020. The full breakdown can be found at The following are just some of the statistics now available; There were 109 food recalls in 2020, which means that the 10 year average has increased to 76

Although much work is done by food authorities in the event of a foodborne illness outbreak to identify the source, there are occasionally times when  that work proves fruitless. Knowing the source helps prevent further potential outbreaks from there. The Center for Disease Control (CDC) in the USA has just declared that a third E.

Deathcap mushroom advice

The following is a media release from the Food Safety Information Council and is included here with permission. Warning not to pick or eat wild mushrooms because of poisoning risk Wild mushrooms are springing up around Australia after a wet Summer, so today the Food Safety Information Council warned people to be extremely careful around

The following is from the Australian Institute of Food Science and Technology website about two upcoming Allergen webinars and is include here with permission Plain English Allergen Labelling – Webinar #1 PEAL updates – what you need to know On February 25th Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) announced new requirements for allergen labelling on