The following is a media release from Food Standards Australia New Zealand and is included here with permission. 2 November 2012 Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) today urged consumers to check their fridges for recalled mussels that may be contaminated with a naturally occurring marine biotoxin (paralytic shellfish toxin). The presence of a paralytic

Fonterra Proud to be a Chef 2013 competition is open for entries from apprentice chefs following a recent announcement by the large dairy and food service group. It is a mentoring program across Australia and New Zealand which has been running for 14 years, and the winning apprentice chef receives a tailored international culinary scholarship.

Top Victorian Food Awards

Recently the Royal Agricultural Society of Victoria (RASV) announced the winners of their annual awards for fine foods at the Royal Melbourne Show Fine Food Awards The Best Victorian Product award (the top award) went to Red Hill Cheese’s “Mountain Goat Blue” – which beat 33 other award winners. The following are the winners of

New obesity control method

With obesity rapidly becoming perhaps the biggest health related issue in western countries, there is massive research going into all sorts of methods and foods that can reduce consumption. A recent development at the University of Tokyo has gone to new levels in this quest. Virtual Reality (VR) is a process that uses specially designed