Current or recent product recalls

The following information is provided by Food Stanadrds AustraliaNew Zealand, and is included here with permission. Please find below information on a recent Australian consumer level food recall. This information is also available on our website at Spring Bay Seafoods Pty Ltd (Marine bioxtin contamination – PST) Spring Bay Seafoods Pty Ltd has recalled

Award Season?

It seems to be the season for awards and award dinners in the food industry. Recently the Australian Association of Convenience Stores (AACS) presented it’s annual awards. There have also been a few top restaurant awards being presented lately as well. Australia’s leading convenience retailer, 7-Eleven, scooped the pool at the AACS awards, with a

Foot and Mouth (FMD) is a disease that causes the loss of significant numbers of livestock, especially cattle. Although posing no food safety risks, it is probably one of the major threats to Australia’s food security. The animals with the disease must be killed and the carcases destroyed, and this creates a major reduction in

So what is happening with fast food?

Australia and Canada have more in common than simply being two of the largest countries in the Commonwealth, they also have similar tastes and cultures. Therefore studies done about the food industry in Canada are of significant interest to those in our food industry, particularly in the fast food sector. A specific part of that