The following is provided with permission from Food Standards Australia New Zealand. Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) has called for submissions on the following proposals; 1. To review existing limits for Listeria monocytogenes in the Food Standards Code. FSANZ Chief Executive Officer Steve McCutcheon said that since the limits were first set, preventative food

Australian Food Safety Week 2012

The following is a media release for the 2012 Australian Food Safety Week. AUSTRALIAN FOOD SAFETY WEEK 12 – 18 NOVEMBER 2012 The Food Safety Information Council today released worrying national survey data that shows 60% of home cooks in Australia are putting themselves at additional risk of food poisoning by washing whole poultry before

Food Processing Industry Report

The Australian Senate has had a Select Committee examining the Food Processing Industry and it’s report was released in August. In Committee was to review the following areas; the competitiveness and future viability of Australia’s food processing sector in global markets the regulatory environment for Australia’s food processing and manufacturing companies the impact of Australia’s

When doing health related advertising, there are really only two ways they can be done – negative or positive. The positive ads show the advantages of doing whatever is being advertised, as an example, the advantages of stopping smoking and the good things that will happen as a result. The negative ads are more about