We have all seen movies or programs where the wizard digs into a special pouch and pulls out a handful of powder and then sprinkles it around and, voila, suddenly things change – it’s magic. A small group of University of Queensland scientists are about to make big changes in the fresh fruit industry with

Changes to Food Standards Code

It is well known that people like to eat foods that are good for them or do something good for them. Examples are wholegrain foods or high calcium foods. We know that calcium is good for our bones and teeth, so we can feel good when we eat foods that have labels saying that there

The Fly

As I sit here at my desk, the temperature is rising and is expected to hit 39C today. This is typical, and expected, in Australia at this time of the year. It is also expected that flies are part of our life in this country. They are the uninvited guest to the BBQs and the

Allergen detection in your pocket

It is rare now to find a person in our Australian society who does not have at least one mobile phone. Everywhere you look people have iPhones. It seems to be the one to have. The number of applications (apps) that are now available for these phones is just extraordinary. You can download an app