During the last month a food business was fined $7500 for selling food past it’s use by date in South Australia. The business was a well known supermarket which says that the issue occurred because of human error and that all staff have been retrained. The judge could have placed a fine of up to

New Australian Coffee Competition

Entries to the first Australian International Coffee Awards (AICA) will open on second April (closing on 24 April), with judging at the Melbourne Showgrounds from 7 -9 May 2013.The winners will be announced on 23 May 2013. It is a roasting competition open to both national and international businesses, and has been created by the

World’s best restaurant in trouble.

According to at least two of the most recognized food lists, the two Michelin star, Noma is the world’s best restaurant, and has been for at least the last two years. At a price of around $250 per person, it is also not a cheap dining experience. It is currently in a large amount of

Water is the most important ingredient.

Water is just a part of our lives and unless we are put into a situation of not having it, we really don’t think about just how important it actually is. Recently in South East Queensland there was a shutdown of the water treatment plants supplying Brisbane and surrounding areas. With floods everywhere it seemed