The Australian Food and Grocery Council (AFGC) is the peak body for manufacturing in Australia and is an advocate for the food industry at all levels of government. It is constantly reviewing the industry to identify issues that new addressing and will often set up forms and other groups to review these and determine actions

In the past people would pull into a service station or takeaway and pick up a meat pie (with tomato sauce) for a snack at almost any time of the day. Although this still happens to some extent, this Aussie icon is no longer king of the of convenience foods mountain. That spot is now

Mobile food vehicles are not uncommon. We have all had ice cream from an ice cream van as it was parked at the beach or as it drove down our street on a Saturday afternoon. However, now there are gourmet foods being prepared, cooked and served from mobile food vans. The menus are understandably limited

According to IBISWorld, we will each spend around $132 over the four day Easter break. That is a small increase from the $130 of 2012. I don’t know about you, but that is more than will be spent in my house, so there must be some big spenders out there, as IBIS World is predicting