The Bees have it!!!!!

Bees are an important part of our lives and most people do not realize it. As they are flying around collecting pollen for making honey, they also pollinate plants. Plants need to be pollinated to produce fruit. They have a major part to play in agriculture and without them we would not have many of

Cruelty toward animals is a no brainer, it is absolutely not acceptable behaviour in anyone’s book. If it is identified, there must be actions taken to correct the situation and, just as importantly, something done to prevent it from ever happening again. These actions may involve fines, penalties and gaol. If the cruelty is identified

Bottled water – good or bad?

Canadean is a market research company specializing in beverages. It’s latest findings are that worldwide, bottled water is headed to be the dominant player in the soft drink sector within the next two years. This is not surprising as people generally become more health conscious, however for the very well known soft drink and cola

The basic concept behind organic food is that it has been grown and handled without the use of chemicals. The resulting produce is often different to that which has been involved with fertilisers, pesticides and other chemicals. There are many that say that organic food tastes better and is much better for you. Others believe