A natural product that has very good antimicrobial properties on fresh product, including fruit, vegetables and seafood, has won the annual AIFST Food industry Innovation Award. The Australian Institute of food Science and Technology Inc (AIFST) presents the award each year to a product or process that has had commercial success over the last five

A recent study published online in the American Journal of Public Health by The University of Texas has shown that there is most likely a relationship between both the proximity and density of fast food restaurants and an increase in Body Mass Index (BMI) in an individual. It was also found that this likelihood increases

Food Allergy Awareness Week

The 12 – 18 May is Food Allergy Awareness Week. It is a global week aimed at getting people around the world to understand how much of an issue food allergens are to some in our community. As part of the recognition of this important week, the Australian Government launched a new allergen information source,

Caffeine or not?

Caffeine is well known to perk people up and the coffee in the morning is no longer the only way that people can easily and readily get their “fix”. There are increasing numbers of products available that contain some added caffeine. This is obviously being done to increase sales as more and more people are