Food waste reduction is essential

Recently the European Commission has set a goal of halving food waste by 2020, and Europe’s food supply chain has committed to this. The industry has launched a new publication “Every Crumb Counts”, which is a Joint Declaration on the 50% food waste reduction. This Declaration adopts the “life cycle approach”, which means that manufacturers

Eggs will be safe for consumption if they are clean, cool and not cracked, even if they are raw. However, even a slight crack that cannot be seen, will allow bacteria to get in and make the raw egg unsafe for human consumption. These eggs should never be used and consumed raw. They must always

I was a member of the Egg Standard Committee. Over a period of a few years we worked out what the food safety requirements were for producers and processors of eggs in Australia, this is now found in the Food Standards Code as the Primary Production and Processing (PPP) Standard for Eggs and Egg Products

In the last two years there have been more than 410 people sickened in the USA from contaminated cantaloupes (rockmelons), as well as 36 deaths. In 2011, Listeria made 147 people sick and killed 33, and then in 2012, Salmonella species were responsible for three deaths and 261 illnesses. Although the cantaloupes responsible were not