The brain controls appetite.

My father had an acquired brain injury due to an infection, one of the side effects of this was that he would always be wanting to eat. He would hide food and then find it later to eat. If food was there, especially sweet food, he would just want to keep eating. We were amazed

It is all in the words.

I was recently reading an article in Food Australia which discussed how the words we use everyday may not mean the same thing to everyone. The word “milk” would represent a specific thing in the minds of most people born in Australia, but is likely to mean something entirely different to those born overseas. Milk

With Australian Food Safety Week 2013 only weeks away, it is interesting to see that in recent research, more than half of the shoppers surveyed consider food safety to be important when shopping. This year’s theme is about shopping and food safety, so this result is of particular interest to the supermarkets. However the results

Call to review allergen labelling.

The Allergen Bureau developed an allergen assessment and labelling tool quite a few years ago and it has since been reviewed into it’s second version. The tool is called VITAL (Voluntary Incidental Trace Allergen Labelling) and sets a method to be used to determine the levels of the recognised food allergens in a product and