Current recalls February 2014

The following are two current food product recalls and the information is included here with permission from Food Standards Australia New Zealand. More information about recalls and other food issues can be found at COLES BEEF BURGERS Coles Supermarkets Limited has recalled Coles Burgers Thick Beef 500g from Coles and BI-LO supermarkets in NSW,

Scombroid poisoning is caused by the eating of specific types of fish that have been temperature abused, which causes allergic reaction symptoms. Symptoms – typical allergy symptoms, eg; tingling / burning around the mouth, flushes of the face, nausea, vomiting, headaches, fever, palpitations Onset – depending upon the individual – two minutes to several hours

Good chocolate is like good cheese or good wine or a good hot dog or even the perfect pizza. We all have our own ideas what they are but there are some basics that we would all agree with and this is why we have competitions and awards for the best. I am a home

AUSVEG, the peak representative body for vegetable and potato growers in Australia, has just released the results of a recent study. The study was intended to show what cuisines have been adopted by Australians that use vegetables as a key component. This would then give growers ideas for what vegetables they should focus on, as