The Blewett review of food labelling conducted a few years ago, highlighted that the current way used by the food industry to show how much of certain nutrients are present in a food compared to that allowed for a normal healthy adult, is not working all that well for much of the Australian population. Therefore

A recent study in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, has shown that there is a strong relationship between the consumption of heat processed meat based foods and the onset of both brain changes, like Alzheimers disease, and a pre-diabetes condition. The research done by researchers at the Icahn School of Medicine at

Food packaging is safe?

I was running some training for a client recently and a discussion started about the plastic water bottle that one of my students was using. She had finished the juice and had washed out the botlle to use as her water bottle at work. Half the class were telling her that she should not have

All over much cereal based foods of late have been the words X% wholegrain. The public have been led to believe that wholegrains are good for them and so manufacturers and marketers are now ensuring that processed foods contain them and the labelling reflects this. However, if asked it would be a fair bet that