New app to determine food freshness.

For the most part, it is impossible for most of us to be able to tell if a food will cause us food poisoning just by looking and smelling it. Of course, if a food smells or looks funny, except for some speciality cheeses, we know not to eat it. We also can’t tell by

How we buy changes food safety.

Apparently Australian consumers have really taken to purchasing online, with recently released research by Nielsen (the market research organisation) showing that about nine out of 10 consumers buying online in 2013. Liquor is the big food group being purchased on line with our buying rate across the internet being twice what is being purchased in

New Country of Origin Labelling Guide

This month I wrote an article about the review that is currently underway by a Federal Parliamentary committee about Country of Origin Labelling (CoOL). To assist food businesses correctly label their food in terms of CoOL, the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC)has just released a brand new guide to help all food business label

So I’ve been reading a lot lately about how good dark chocolate is for us, so am now having four squares each day. However, it just gets better, as new research is showing that dark chocolate may even help prevent both obesity and type-2 diabetes. It obviously doesn’t mean that we can all, over this