In April, the first company in Australia started voluntarily using the Health Star Rating system to show the nutritional information about saturated fat, sugar, sodium and energy content in it’s food products. The system is shown as a star rating ranging from half to five stars, with five being the healthiest. Although there has been

The following is a media release from the Food Recall Team at Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) and is included here with it’s permission.You can sign up to get notices of recalls and other related information by emailing Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) is pleased to announce that the new edition of

China has just accepted it’s first trial delivery of fresh milk as part of a new partnership with Norco. This is huge news for the Australian Dairy industry, as fresh milk is rapidly gaining popularity there and if Australia is not in the market early there was a great chance of other countries taking leadership.

The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission’s (ACCC) “Advertising and selling guide” has recently been revised. This terrific guide will help any business that is involved in advertising and selling products ensure that it meets it’s legal obligations and understands it’s rights. Dr Michael Schaper, ACCC Deputy Chair said; “Truth in advertising is not just a