Global Handwashing Day 2014

15 October marks Global Handwashing Day each year, and for 2014 the theme is “Choose handwashing, choose health”.The goals for this year are; 1. Handwashing is a choice everyone can make multiple times a day.2. When people choose to wash hands with soap, they choose to create a healthier environment for all.3. Good hygiene practices

Vegetarian foods increase

For many a vegetarian meal means not eating meat. However, to some it means eating white meat and not red. Then there is vegan and what it means to people. As a simple explanation from this vegetarian, a vego diet is one that does not include any meat at all, but may include dairy and

To GM or not to GM?

Genetic engineering is seen by some as a sort of bogeyman and for others it is the “best thing since sliced bread”. Crops and other foods are modified at a genetic level in labs to improve characteristics or to give them new desired ones. As an example a type of rice in Asia was genetically

Latest Australian Food Industry Report Card

According to the latest report card for the Australian Food Industry, it makes up 28.9 percent of the manufacturing in this country and employs just under 300000 people, which is down by nearly one percent from the last year. The Sixth Edition of the State of the Industry Annual Report from the Australian Food and