Most of us would have the limp carrot or similar out of date fruit or vegetable in our fridge at some time. We just don’t get around to using them when we should and eventually do the big throw out and thereby contribute to the absolute problem that food waste is. At least a third

High arsenic content in rice products.

We all know that arsenic is poisonous and we should avoid it. However not that many years ago, arsenic was still be adding to potions for medicinal reasons. There is a very small amount of inorganic arsenic present in plants, so we are all consuming tiny amounts regularly and it does us no long term

Australian Food Safety Week 2014

The recent report from the Department of Health shows that we have had a reduction in the number of cases of foodborne illness from 5.4 million in the 2000 report to 4.1 million in this report, which examines food poisoning in this country up to 2010. This is a really good result and shows that

Redtape review and food safety

Recently the Australian Government’s Industry Innovation and Competitiveness Agenda was launched by the Prime Minister. Although the food industry in general has supported the idea, there are concerns about how far red tape cuts which will be part of the Agenda should go, so that food safety and Australia’s reputation for it is protected. The