A large supermarket chain in Australia has finally realised something really important, people will buy ugly fruit and vegetables as long as the produce tastes like it should and lasts, especially if it is cheaper than the “perfect” looking ones. Whether this decision to sell such produce is based on simply trying to get more

Huge news – new antibiotic found

Antibiotics kill bacteria and they have been the medical lifesaver since being first discovered. Many millions of people owe their lives to these drugs, however we are now facing a major crisis. Many bacteria have over time built up immunity to these life saving chemicals. This means that our magic silver bullet is no longer

At least 110 people have been diagnosed as having food poisoning from a Chinese restaurant south of Brisbane. Around 30 of those have been hospitalised as well.There were about 150 people who ate at the restaurant over the weekend of the 3 and 4 January and the Health Department in Queensland expects that most of

New Franchise Code of Conduct

Effective as of 01 January 2015, Australia has a new version of the Franchise Code of Conduct. Like the previous version, this is also mandatory and applies to all franchise agreements. The new version has some significant changes, including; An obligation for parties to act in good faith in all dealings with each other The