New sugar guidelines.

The World Health Organisation (WHO) has just published a guideline that recommends that in time the maximum consumption of free sugars be less than six teaspoons a day – or no more than five percent of the total daily energy intake.This has been acclaimed by global health experts as a support to reducing the rapidly

Latest recalls for March

The following three recalls information is provided by Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) Darling Downs Fresh Eggs and Mountain Range Eggs  RL Adams Pty Ltd has recalled Darling Downs Fresh Eggs and Mountain Range Eggs  from independent supermarkets, fruit and vegetable stores & butcher shops and some cafes in QLD , NSW and NT

With obesity in the community rising and creating what has been called a Tsunami, there are several questions that probably need asking (and answering!!!!) Is it the people that are demanding the big serves or fatty and high kilojoule foods? Or Is it the businesses that are driving the need for these type of foods?

Depending upon what type of cheese you are craving, you can find the best cheeses in Australia at a supermarket (Coles extra Tasty or Coles Extra Reserve) or in a gourmet dairy (Heidi Farm Guyere). Cheese is an amazing food, starting with milk, bacteria, salt, rennet and other ingredients are mixed together and the resultant