Festivals have food safety risks.

Festivals always include food as it is a key part of our lives and celebration. Often this food is eaten away from home, either taken or purchased there. This food is also usually made specifically for that festival, for example; Mooncakes or Egg Nog. Often the on site food is provided from temporary facilities. These

Pickled foods are the next big thing.

My mother was a nurse, in fact she ended her nursing career as an Acting Director of Nursing for a large public hospital. So why am I telling you this? One thing she has always said, based on her years working with patients, is that the brain is connected to the bowel. If there are

The following is directly from the NSW Food Authority regular newsletter – foodwise – and is included here with permission. The Food Regulation 2010 is scheduled for statutory repeal on 1 September 2015 – a formal process which occurs every five years that requires the NSW Government to determine whether the Regulation should lapse and,

Linger and you will spend more.

It has finally been conclusively proven that the longer you are in a supermarket the more you are going to spend. I guess it really isn’t a surprise, but the US study published in the Journal of Marketing, Volume 79, Issue 3 and authorised by Timothy Gilbride and other researchers from the University of Notre