New recall

The following Recall Notice is included here with permission from Food Standards Australia New Zealand Lupins  Pisconeri Wholesalers Pty Ltd has recalled Lupins from IGAs and wholesalers in  WA and SA due to the presence of alkaloids (a biotoxin) that exceeds the limit set in the Code. Food products containing high levels of alkaloids may

New names added to Name and Shame Register

The Name and Shame Register is a tool used by the New South Wales government to let the public know about food safety breaches in that state. The New South Wales Food Authority maintains the website and adds businesses to the list when there are breaches, but also removes others once the breaches have been

The following is a media release from the Food Safety Information for Australian Food Safety Week and is included here with permission. Eggs not milk the food safety risk – survey finds many Australians not identifying food poisoning risks correctly A national survey carried out by OmniPoll for Australian Food Safety Week found that 71%

Many of us in Australia have started seeing signs in the restaurants we go to showing the number of food safety stars they have received. These are called star ratings and are given by local councils based on compliance with specific food safety requirements. Five stars is the highest and obviously what all food businesses