So what does safe food actually mean?

Chipotle is a huge chain of Mexican restaurants in the USA and has recently had significant food poisoning outbreaks, as a result a large number of the sites have been closed. The chain prided itself on having safe non GMO foods, but this appears to have overlooked the importance of making sure the food was

Salmonella cases on the increase.

The following is the latest media release from the New South Wales Food Authority and is included here with permission. NSW Health and the NSW Food Authority urge caution as warmer weather leads to more salmonella cases 23 December 2015 With the warmer weather already here, NSW Health and the NSW Food Authority are urging

Don’t give the turkey a bath

The following is the Christmas media release from the Food Safety Information Council, and is included here with permission. No bath for the Christmas turkey – food safety tips for the holiday period While Santa might be real, the Food Safety Information Council says there are a lot of food safety Christmas myths out there

Food industry is growing

Recently, the Federal Department of Industry, Innovation and Science’s Office of the Chief Economist released The Australian Industry Report 2015. It is an overview of the major economic factors affecting Australia’s industries, and includes an analysis. There are four chapters based on the following; A snapshot of major economic developments affecting the Australian economy over