Food Recalls for March

The following are recalls happening in Australia. The information is supplied with permission from the New South Wales Food Authority. Recall: Naturally Good Chocolate Mud Cake Mix Naturally Good Products Pty Ltd has recalled its Naturally Good Deliciously Free Moist Chocolate Mud Cake Mix from Coles, Woolworths, IGAs and Health Food stores nationally due to

Ok, so you have a craving for fish and chips and you know just where to go to get the perfect fish and the crunchiest chips. Would you change your mind on what type of fish you’re going to get, if there is a label on each fish type telling you what it is and

Food laws under review or being changed

The following is from an article written by Joe Lederman (Managing Principal, FoodLegal) and John Thisgaard (FoodLegal Consultant), and is an excellent summary of what food laws are under review or being changed. © Lawmedia Pty Ltd, March 2016 Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) 1.   New Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code (‘Food Standards

So is the butcher shop like the video store and facing the chopping block? Well according to the recent research done by Roy Morgan Research there is good news – and bad news for the Butchers. According to the research only 23.5 percent of those shopping buy meat from a butcher, but the good news