GM – good or bad?

OK so GM is bad right? GM – genetic modification. It sounds sort of science fictionish doesn’t it? Another way of saying it , is genetic engineering – sounds just as bad, maybe even worse. So what is GM or GE? It is a process where either genes from one source are placed into another

The Tick is about to go

In 1989, a logo started to appear on foods in our supermarkets. It was designed and intended to help consumer pick a healthier option by giving a method for comparing similar foods. What logo? – The Heart Foundation’s red and white Tick. When it first came out, there was opposition and even suggestions that businesses

Raw but is it safe?

It seems right now that everyone is talking about raw foods. There is even some very heated discussion going on about hamburgers being served medium rare instead of fully cooked. I even heard the other day about someone wanting to make and eat Chicken Tartare. In case you don’t know what that is – take

Vomit charge – right or wrong?

There are charges for cakeage and corkage, we now have the first vomit charge. A child in a restaurant on Queensland’s Sunshine Coast vomited on the floor and a staff member had to clean it up. The child’s mother was charged $10 to go toward the cost of the clean up. The clean up required