What are the most trusted brands in 2016?

Every year the Reader’s Digest does a survey to work out what are the most trusted brands in the country. It was voted on by approximately 2 400 members and includes quite a few categories. The most trusted iconic brand for 2016 is Arnotts, and Coles is thought to be the most trusted supermarket. Interestingly

Some time ago, I was fortunate to be involved in the development of the Egg and Egg Products Standard in Chapter 4 of the Food Standards Code. Developing a mandatory standard like that is time consuming and involves many meetings and discussions. There are currently six standards in the Primary Production Standards; Meat, Seafood, Poultry

Latest news from FSANZ

Here is a link to the latest newsletter (August 2016) from Food Standards Australia New Zealand. http://us2.campaign-archive1.com/?u=700bf5d7b419cc12102524e87&id=063499ae8c&e=b805b2144b A summary of the issues included; Rockmelon Product Recall Food allergy resources Food complaint contacts BSE food Safety Risk Assessment results New Applications Calls for Submissions Code amendments

Big food poisoning case in court in the ACT

In 2013, on Mothers Day, one of the biggest food poisonings in Australia happened in Canberra. This outbreak highlights why it is so important for food businesses to keep their temperature, cleaning and other records for at least five years. Why? Because it has taken  until now, three years later, for the case to come