New recall – coconut milk icecream

The following is a current recall and is included here with permission from Food Standards Australia new Zealand. Please find below information on a recent Australian consumer level food recall. This information is also available on our website at CocoLuscious Certified Organic coconut milk ice cream, fudge sauce and chocolate Additional Content Page Content

Is the supermarket going the way of the Dodo?

 I remember standing in the local video shop trying to decide which movie to rent. There are a lot of older people who would share that memory. Younger folk would not have had to make that deciosion standing in a physical shop, they are doing them same thing on their phones, computers and tablets –

In a poll done by NatCen Social Research in Britain, only 35 percent of people trusted the government at least a lot to ensure food is safe. This means that nearly two thirds of Britons do not really trust the government when it comes to food safety. Interestingly it is not the actual food inspectors

Aussies are turning to a vegetarian diet

I am an ovo-lacto vegetarian and have been for more than 20 years. This means I do not eat any meat but do eat dairy foods and eggs – I personally cannot imagine a world without vintage cheese!! When I tell people that I have actually chosen not to eat any meat, I often get