Set the example

So you walk through a food court in any shopping centre in the country and you will see staff in some food businesses wearing hair covering and not in others. If people working in a food business are not wearing hair covering, we all know that there will likely be hair found in the product

So the fish you picked at lunch for your fish n’ chips is really Nile Perch right? A recent study by Oceana shows that seafood fraud is happening in all continents – except Antarctica. So is that Barramundi actually Barramundi or something else? The study showed that worldwide,as an average one piece in five pieces of seafood

In my family Tea is preferred over Coffee. It might be our English heritage, who knows? It seems, however that we are not alone. New data from Roy Morgan Research shows that in an average week, half of the Australian population over 14 years old, drink at least one cuppa a week. The research was

Have we found the sixth taste?

I recently heard someone say that chocolate is one of the food groups so that is a reason why everyone loves it. Well even though chocolate is wonderful and dark has been found to be good for heart health in small quantities, it is not a taste on it’s own. There have traditionally been four