People are always watching, so get it right

So Choice has just presented the annual Shonky Awards. These awards are not what business would really like to receive, as they are recognition of some part of product or labelling which is not what it says it is. This year there were three food related Shonkys awarded; •Kellogg’s Pringles: awarded because the price went

Oh No the audit again!!!!!!!!

11 months ago, the business was abuzz with everyone in some way working toward getting everything just right for the food safety / HACCP / Quality System etc audit. The day dawned a month later and there were nerves and anxiety by many, whilst others simply just came to work as normal. Those in charge

So what does food safety actually mean?

As a Food Safety Coach and the Chair of the Food Safety Information Council Ltd, I have at least two slightly different interpretations of what food safety actually means. This is because the target of my discussions and involvement is different in both situations, depending upon whom I am talking with.. For the consumers, who

Allergens in plain language

You would think that if there are a certain number of recognised food allergens in Australia, that the words used for them would be in simple to understand English. Not so, according to a report released by Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ). The Plain English Allergen Labelling report makes several recommendations for changes to