What happens when the computers go down?

I have now been three weeks without any internet connection to my office. I am typing this sitting at a computer in my local (air conditioned) library – 40 mins from my office – as it is the nearest place I can work and be connected (and cool). In this age of everything being done

Do you have to follow use by dates?

I have just returned to the office after the first holiday I have had in quite a while and I deliberately did not do or think business or food safety for the whole 10 days. However it was interesting, and I had to bite my tongue, to hear a lady in the supermarket one day

The Health Ministers from around Australia meet several times a year to guide food law for each state and territory. The last Ministerial Forum for 2016 was held in late November and made some significant decisions. 1. Further work required on the labelling of added sugars and vegetable oils – impact studies have been requested

Algal toxin update

The following is a media release from the New South Wales Food Authority about the Algal toxin alert for Twofold Bay area and is included here with permission. 19 December 2016 NSW DPI advises that recent test results show that levels of Paralytic Shellfish Toxin (PST) in commercially cultivated mussels sampled from Twofold Bay have