So you love Roquefort Cheese, but have difficulty getting hold of it. This cheese is made from raw milk and is only made in the Roquefort region in France. For a very long time it was just about impossible to get in this country, as raw milk cheeses could not be imported into Australia. Raw

Winter warmers – food poisoning risk of bulk cooking soups, casseroles and stews  While most people associate food poisoning with hot summers the Food Safety Information Council has put out a reminder about the winter risk from cooking in bulk. Rachelle Williams, Council Chair, said that this is a great time of year to cook

Following is a media release from Food Standards Australia New Zealand and is included here with permission. Call for submissions on genetically modified potato lines. Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) today called for submissions on an application to permit food from a number of genetically modified potato lines.    FSANZ Acting Chief Executive Officer Glen

We all know that supermarkets spend a lot of time and money positioning items in their store, playing just the right music, having just the right lighting and displays, to increase our interest in making purchases, and particularly purchases they want us to make. Even where things are placed on shelves will influence whether we