So wholemeal bread is better for you than white bread, right? An article in Cell Metabolism in June 2017, shows that this is not necessarily the case. In the study, the 20 participants were asked to eat the same number of carbohydrates of white and wholemeal bread, and the health of each monitored afterwards. It

So who is the winner this year?

So it is that time of the year again, when young waiters and chefs from across the country wait with baited breath to find out who will receive The Electrolux Appetite for Excellence Award for  2017. The national finalists will have a tour lasting six days through the food areas of regional Queensland before the

We are starting to see sets of stars on the products in our supermarket. These are the Healthy Star ratings. These are intended as a simple way of showing customers and consumers  whether a specific food is healthy and how it rates using a five star system. Obviously the more stars a food has, the

The following is a media release from Food Standards Australia New Zealand and is included here with permission. Date: 2/06/2017 ​Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) today alerted consumers to a food recall of a frozen mixed berries product that is potentially linked to three hepatitis A cases. Acting FSANZ CEO Glen Neal said public