According to the results of a recent survey by RaboDirect we Australians are each wasting $1050 worth of food each year (14 percent of their weekly grocery buy) or $9.6 billion in total. There were 2300 people in the survey and they were aged between 16 and 65. One of the contributors to this waste,

Despite celebrity cooking shows being all the rage, the Food Safety Information Council released a national survey today for Australian Food Safety Week that shows that the majority of Australians surveyed have no idea of safe cooking temperatures for high-risk foods such as hamburgers, sausages and poultry. Food Safety Information Council Chair, Rachelle Williams, said

How to stop brown apples and potatoes?

Once again, work done by the premier scientific body in Australia has gone overseas instead of giving benefit to Australians. Many of CSIRO’s developments are licenced first to companies overseas, so Aussies don’t get to see it. It is not that CSIRO does want to have it’s developments used here but our companies don’t always

Plastic bags are on their way out

Aldi already  has no plastic bags in their stores and the two major supermarkets in Australia have announced that there will be none in their stores by end 2018. For Woolworths, this will also mean Big W and the other businesses in the group. Brad Banducci, Chief Executive Officer of the Woolworths Group, said; “We