Oats do not actually contain gluten but do include other proteins called avenins, which cause a similar reaction for some Coeliacs. Because of this, oats are included with wheat, barley and rye as the grains which those with Coeliac Disease must avoid.
Those with Coeliac Disease have an unusual immune reaction when they eat gluten. The small intestine is damaged and the symptoms can range from gas, vomiting, bloating, to potential loss of part of the bowel. There is an increased likelihood of both cancer and osteoporosis.
The only confirmed way of avoiding these symptoms and outcomes is to not eat any foods containing gluten or, in the case of oats, gluten like proteins.
Research recently undertaken in Melbourne by the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute, Monash University and US biotechnology company ImmusanT, has identified the actual parts of the avenin proteins which cause the immunological reaction in some Coeliacs.
The findings were published in November 2014 in the Journal of Autoimmunity.
It is hoped that the findings will lead to the development of improved oat toxicity tests and treatments for those with Coeliac Disease.
Oats do not cause an immune reaction in all Coeliacs but in the study it was found that eight percent of the 72 people involved reacted adversely to consuming oats. This is significant enough to confirm that oats should be avoided by all Coeliacs.
Walter and Eliza Hall Institute researcher Dr Melinda Hardy said ; “The significance of previous studies performed in test tubes was unclear. By studying people with coeliac disease who had eaten oats, we were able to undertake a detailed profile of the resultant immune response in their bloodstream. Our study was able to establish the parts of oat avenins that cause an immune response in people with coeliac disease.”
Coeliac Australia, the Australian National Health and Medical Research Council, BTG International plc, ImmusanT Inc. and the Victorian Government were the supporters of this study.
Written by Rachelle Williams, The Green Food Safety Coach.