
Retail Industry

Businesses such as restaurants, cafes, takeaway shops, caterers (eg. process & serve food at one fixed location) mobile caterers (eg. process food & transport food to more than one location) bakeries, pubs, clubs hotels, food market stalls, mobile food vendors, supermarkets.

  • Handle food safely in a retail environment (SIRRFSA001)

This unit is Nationally Recognised.

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New South Wales RESIDENTS

The NSW Food Authority has a requirement for a certificate to be issued in the New South Wales Food Authority format.

How will this course help me?

Should your NSW Food Safety Supervisor certificate be close to expiring and you wish to continue to be the Food Safety Supervisor for a retail food business in NSW, you will need to undertake this recertification training course with Food Safety Australia. We are a Registered Training Organisation approved under the Food Safety Supervisor Program in NSW (Approval No.24773)

A NSW Food Authority Food Safety Supervisor certificate expires five years from the date of issue. The expiry date is printed on each certificate. To be issued with a new Food Safety Supervisor certificate, Food Safety Supervisor certificate holders are required to renew their training at an approved RTO such as Food Safety Australia.


To be eligible for this course:

You will need to provide us with a copy of the NSW Food Authority Certificate that you currently hold.

For business owners

Food businesses that have an appointed Food Safety Supervisor whose Food Safety Supervisor certificate is due to expire will need to enrol their Food Safety Supervisor in recertification training with an RTO approved under the Food Safety Supervisor program.

When a Food Safety Supervisor holder’s certification expires, a food business has 30 days to ensure:

  1. The Food Safety Supervisor renews their training within 30 working days
  2. Another Food Safety Supervisor with a current qualification is appointed

The Food Safety Supervisor recertification training ensures an individual has knowledge of food safety requirements, the skills to manage food safety risks in the workplace, and can meet the essential units of competency. The training cycle of five years supports a highly skilled and compliant hospitality and retail food sector in NSW.

For more information on Food Safety Supervisor requirements in NSW please read the ‘Guideline to Food Safety Supervisor Requirements’

Course Description


Each module of the food safety supervisor course will help you to achieve one of the required elements of competence.

You will be provided with a series of presentations and quizzes. Make sure you are completely comfortable with the presentation content before attempting the quiz, you may view them as many times as you feel necessary. You are required to achieve a grade of 100% for each of the seven quizzes in this course and you are allowed up to three attempts for each quiz.

We also provide a PDF of student notes, which you can print out for ready reference whilst completing the course.

Workplace Observation

As well as completing the on-line quizzes satisfactorily, you will also complete and return a Workplace Observation. It is a requirement that you are able to demonstrate the application of the skills you have gained from the on-line course in a practical way in a commercial kitchen.

It is required that you have access to a food workplace (either as an employee or a volunteer). This food workplace should:

  • Be an operational commercial food preparation area, bar or kitchen with the fixtures, large and small equipment and workplace documentation defined in the Assessment ; can be a real industry workplace simulated industry environment such as a training kitchen servicing customers
  • Have real food ingredients and food items
  • Be fully equipped for food preparation (eg. a commercial kitchen, catering production line or food preparation area of a food outlet)

The Workplace Observation  can be made by anyone you are working alongside providing they are in the position to make valid observations of your performance. The observer should meet the following requirements:

1. Have 2 years or more experience in a food handling environment in a supervisory role AND either

a) A current Australian Food Safety certificate (eg. Food Handlers Certificate or Food Safety Supervisor)


b) A qualification  that meets the requirements of Food Handling safety (eg. Commercial Cookery or  hospitality qualification or relevant higher education qualification

2. Be prepared to observe your activity in the workplace

3. Be prepared to be contacted by a Food Safety Australia assessor to confirm the Observer information provided.

If you are not currently working within the industry and do not have immediate access to an operational commercial kitchen, here are a few options:

  • If you have worked in the food industry before, then you can have a past manager or co-worker complete the form based on past observations (no more than 12 months ago)
  • If you have a friend or family member employed in the food industry, they can also make observations
  • You can also speak to your local council and ask for a list of food-based charities that you can volunteer for. Many of these organisations deal with food and many of the regular volunteers are able to sign off on your observation report



The practical activity is a brief knowledge based assignment, where you demonstrate the application of your learning to a workplace situation. Food Safety Australia is able to structure this activity, to suit participants not yet employed in a working food environment.

Enrol now for $119

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This course is for those who need to RENEW their NSW Food Authority Food Safety Supervisor Certificate.  If you are enrolling someone other than yourself please DO NOT TICK the box in step two. You will then be sent a link via email to go and enrol your user/s.

NSW Food Safety Supervisor certificate – Recertification Courses

We offer the Food Safety Supervisor course for both food sectors. The unit of competencies you will achieve after successfully completing the course for your chosen food sector are:

Hospitality Industry
Hospitality Industry

Businesses such as restaurants, cafes, hotels, motels and caterers. Take away and fast food businesses can be considered either retail or hospitality food businesses.

  • Use hygienic practices for food safety (SITXFSA001)
  • Participate in safe food handling practices (SITXFSA002)
Retail Industry
Retail Industry

Businesses such as supermarkets, convenience stores, grocers, markets/stalls and delicatessens. Take away and fast food businesses can be considered either retail or hospitality food businesses.

  • Handle food safely in a retail environment (SIRRFSA001)